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A Practical Guide To Argumentative Essays And Academic Discussions by Kisdobos. For Anna, Kati and Nóri. ----6th Revised Edition



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2008.05.09. 10:15 kisdobos

EXTRA 12.1: Practice with complaint letters

----Don't complain about your job  

Task 1.
Complete the complaint letter below with invented facts.   

Name of Contact Person, if available
Title, if available
Company Name
Consumer Complaint Division, if you have no contact person
Street Address
City, State, Zip Code

Dear (Contact Person):

Re: (account number, if applicable) 

On (date), I (bought, leased, rented, or had repaired) a (name of the product, with serial or model number or service performed) at (location and other important details of the transaction).

Unfortunately, your product (or service) has not performed well (or the service was inadequate) because (state the problem). I am disappointed because (explain the problem: for example, the product does not work properly, the service was not performed correctly, I was billed the wrong amount, something was not disclosed clearly or was misrepresented, etc.).

To resolve the problem, I would appreciate it if you could (state the specific action you want—money back, charge card credit, repair, exchange, etc.). Enclosed are copies of my records (include copies of receipts, guarantees, warranties, canceled checks, contracts, model and serial numbers, and any other documents). 

I look forward to your reply and a resolution to my problem, and will wait until (set a time limit) before seeking help from a consumer protection agency or the Better Business Bureau. Please contact me at the above address or by phone at (home and/or office numbers with area code).

Your name

Enclosure(s) cc: (reference to whom you are sending a copy of this letter, if anyone)

----Source: Consumer Action Handbook 2001, Federal consumer Information Center, Pueblo, CO, 82009,


Task 2. Fill in the gaps in the complaint letter below. (See answers and complete letter in Comments.) 

1.       legally entitled to
2.       for recovery of the money
3.       requires
4.       within the next 14 days
5.       for this sum
6.       reimburse me
7.       in breach of contract
8.       to issue a claim
9.       defects
10.   the fact that
11.   at the time of purchase
12.   demonstrates
13.   developed
14.   not of satisfactory quality
15.   to you
16.   look forward to
17.   on March 01, 2006
18.   claim a full refund  

Dear Mr Blockhead! 

Re:Nokia 9120 

1. …………………………… I bought the above mobile phone from your shop. On March 07, seven days after purchase, it 2. …………………………. a serious fault. [Describe fault]. 

Section 14 of the Sale of Goods Act 1979 3. ………………………….. you to supply goods of satisfactory quality. 4. ……………………………… the handset showed 5. ………………….. shortly after purchase 6. …………………………………. there was an inherent defect in the phone 7. ………………………………….., and that it was 8. ………………………………... You are therefore 9. ………………………………………..                                 

In these circumstances I am 10. ………………………….. reject the phone and to 11. …………………………………… of the full purchase price of £120, or a replacement phone from you. I 12. ………………………………………receiving your cheque 13. ………………………… or a replacement phone 14. …………………………………. If you fail to 15. …………………………………. I shall have no alternative but 16. ……………………………….. against you in the county court 17. ……………………………. without further reference 18. ……………………………... 

Yours sincerely,

Task 3. Follow-up letter
Use the correct form of the words in brackets. You might have to add some extra grammatical words, e.g. prepositions, articles, auxiliaries, modals, suffixes, etc. (See answers and complete letter in Comments.) 

Dear Mr Blockhead 
Re: Nokia 9120 

I 1. [write] to you on March 11 about the above 2. [defect] mobile phone 3. [buy] from your shop on March 01. Your 4. [reply] March 15 denied 5. [liable] the defective item, 6. [claim] that I 7. [complain] to the manufacturer instead. 

My claim 8. [you] is based on the Sale of Goods Act 1979. Section 14 of the Act requires you 9. [supply] goods of satisfactory quality. Your 10. [fail] supply such goods means that I have a claim against you 11. [breach] contract which is unaffected by any other rights I may have 12. [guarantee] offered by the manufacturer. 

I trust that this 13. [clarify]  the position and I 14. [expect, receive] your written proposal for 15. [arrange] a refund or a full repair to the handset within the next seven days. 

Yours sincerely,

Task 4.
Write a complaint letter to the manager of an Austrian ski resort with the following parts: 

1.       Say you just got back from a ski resort, and made a complaint.
2.       Say why their advertisement did not reflect their real level of service.
3.       Say how the Hotel staff was not helpful in solving your problems.
4.       State you have a right to get a compensation for at least two reasons. State the amount of compensation you are claiming.
5.       Give them a deadline. State the consequences of their faling to comply.

(See a model letter in Comments.)      

----Exercises created by Kisdobos using:

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kisdobos 2007.10.27. 14:20:50

Answers to Task 2

1. On March 01, 2006
2. Developed
3. Requires
4. The fact that
5. defects
6. demonstrates
7. at the time of purchase
8. not of satisfactory quality
9. in breach of contract
10. legally entitled to
11. claim a full refund
12. look forward to
13. for this sum
14. within the next 14 days
15. reimburse me
16. to issue a claim
17. for recovery of the money
18. to you

Dear Mr Blockhead,

Re: Nokai 8120

On March 01 I bought the above mobile phone from your shop. On March 07, seven days after purchase, it developed a serious fault. [Describe fault].

Section 14 of the Sale of Goods Act 1979 requires you to supply goods of satisfactory quality. The fact that the handset showed defects shortly after purchase demonstrates there was an inherent defect in the phone at the time of purchase, and that it was not of satisfactory quality. You are therefore in breach of contract.

In these circumstances I am legally entitled to reject the phone and to claim a full refund of the full purchase price of £120, or a replacement phone from you. I look forward to receiving your cheque for this sum or a replacement phone within the next 14 days. If you fail to reimburse me I shall have no alternative but to issue a claim against you in the county court for recovery of the money without further reference to you.

Yours sincerely,

Answers to Task 3

1. wrote
2. Defective
3. Bought
4. Liability
5. reply of
6. claiming
7. should complain
8. against you
9. to supply
10. failure to
11. for breach of
12. under the guarantee
13. clarifies
14. expect to receive
15. arranging for

Dear Mr Blockhead,

Re: Nokai 8120

I wrote to you on March 11 about the above defective mobile phone bought from your shop on [date]. Your reply of March 15 denied liability for the defective item, claiming that I should complain to the manufacturer instead.

My claim against you is based on the Sale of Goods Act 1979. Section 14 of the Act requires you to supply goods of satisfactory quality. Your failure to supply such goods means that I have a claim against you for breach of contract which is unaffected by any other rights I may have under the guarantee offered by the manufacturer.

I trust that this clarifies the position and I expect to receive your written proposal for arranging for a refund or a full repair to the handset within the next seven days.

Yours sincerely,

Model letter for Task 4.

[Hotel name]
[Departure date]
[Booking reference number]

Dear Mr Blockhead!

I have just returned from (XXX - details of holiday) and refer you to the customer complaints report which I completed at the resort.

In the (XXX specify which) brochure the hotel is described as benefiting from (XXX insert facilities as described). I believe the holiday provided by you did not conform with the brochure description in the following ways (XXX - insert detail).

I offered your representative at the resort every opportunity to correct the problem, but this proved fruitless.

I am legally entitled to receive compensation for the loss of value, loss of enjoyment and the out-of-pocket expenses incurred through this breach of contract. I am accordingly claiming compensation of £(XXX - insert amount and if possible itemise heads of loss).

I look forward to receiving your offer to settle my claim within 21 days. Failing this, I shall have no alternative but to proceed with arbitration through Association of British Travel Agents, mediation with Association of Independent Tour Operators or otherwise start county court proceedings.

Yours faithfully,
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